Does your home or business suffer from fire damage?
The very first step is to have the asbestos containing construction materials (ACCM) removed.
If you don’t deal with the asbestos first, there can be major legal and financial consequences. Before you can begin the fire damage restoration process, the first thing you want to do is have an asbestos survey taken to determine if there is any asbestos in the building materials that have been damaged.
In Los Angeles County, Orange County, San Bernardino County and Riverside County, the local air quality agency, SCAQMD (South Coast Air Quality Management District), would call this process a Procedure 5.
Here is the link to see the guidelines for asbestos site clean-ups in the Rule 1403 Procedure 5 plans.
A Certified Asbestos Consultant (CAC) is qualified to do the site survey, and is responsible for creating a Procedure 5 Clean-up Plan. This is where Sensitive Environmental comes in as a certified asbestos abatement contractor. We take the Procedure 5 Clean-up Plan and perform the scope of work necessary to make sure that all of the asbestos containing materials (ACM) are removed and disposed of properly.
Any of the items in your home or business that have been contaminated by the ACM during the fire must be disposed of properly as well.
As a homeowner or business owner, it is your right to choose who you would like to perform the asbestos abatement procedures.
The staff at our fire damage restoration company in Los Angeles has over 30 years of experience in fire damage restoration and is dedicated to do our absolute best in making you and your family or employees safe.